
The HAL Action is an original, innovative, ambitious and demanding project without features of complementarity, synergy with another Act or extension of another act implemented either by the Ionian University or by other potential implementing bodies of the Ionian Islands Region.

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Exhibition “Mutagenic Futures”
Posted: 22-05-2024 09:11
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The Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University, on the occasion of the 17th Audiovisual Arts Festival inaugurates on 28 May 2024 at 11:00 am the exhibition “Mutagenic Futures”, with artworks by artists Ken Rinaldo and Adam Zaretsky.
HAL: Mystery 91_Magnetic Dance: A Digital Performance at the X-bowling Center in Eleusis, in the framework of the Eleusis23 Cultural Capital of Europe Festival
Posted: 13-10-2023 14:22 | Updated: 26-10-2023 12:21
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Project Mystery 91_Magnetic Dance, explores the relationship between technology and culture through a series of performances in collaboration with artists from Greece, Japan, and France. The technology for the project was developed within the framework of the HAL research project of the Department of audiovisual Arts at the Ionian University and is presented here for the first time in autonomous, large-scale works.
The Metaverse Ionian Islands Film Office by HAL’s Gamification Node presented at TTT2023
Posted: 13-10-2023 10:16 | Updated: 16-10-2023 12:24
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Among the projects featured in the HAL ArtBox, which ran between 27 and 29 September, was an installation that introduced visitors and conferees to the metaverse version of the Ionian Islands Film Office. This virtual extension of the F.O.  was created in collaboration with HAL’s Gamification node, coordinated by Associate Professor Yannis Deliyiannis.

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