Dr. Martin Carlé is a musicologist, media theorist and Linux specialist. While running a music recoding studio and an audio consultant company, he studied systematic musicology with Wolfgang Auhagen, popular music with Peter Wicke and media history with Friedrich Kittler at the Humboldt-University Berlin. He received his doctoral degree with a thesis on the epistemology of ancient Greek music theory and notation system under the supervision of Wolfgang Ernst and Sebastian Klotz. Within the frame of the German Research Society (DFG), he worked on the project "Image, Scripture, Number" at the Helmholtz Institute for Culture Techniques. As assistant professor at the department of Media Studies he gained 5 years of teaching experience at the Humboldt-University, Berlin. Moving to Athens, he received a scholarship from the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation. International cooperation with the musicology department of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens and the French ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) project "PROGRAMme" at the University of Lille. Currently he is finishing a second PhD thesis on Literate Programming and Reproducible Research at the Ionian University with Ioannis Zannos. His programming skills reach from audio processing and synthesis with SuperCollider via Emacs lisp and org-mode to web backend and system automation with shell and ansible. His current research concerns the promotion of digital literacy through experimental artistic projects with embedded devices (Internet of Things) and container technology (Cloud Computing).